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Single Dried Herbs & Herb Infused Oils
What is a Stillroom ?
Liquid Chlorophyll ~ Canadian Wild Alfalfa Leaf Sourced
Thyme Extract
Rhodiola rosea ~ STRESS TONIC Extract
Red Clover Blossom Extract
Make Tea Not War Tote Bag
Maple Syrup ~ Wood Fired - Our Farm
Olive Leaf & Barberry Root ~ Compound Extract
Lemon & Honey Tea Syrup
Natto Bromelain Turmeric Compound | Herbal Glycerite
Cleavers Extract
Throat Spray - Herbal Mouth/Throat Spray
Calendula Flower Extract - Our Farmed Organic
Moon EASE Compound ~ PMS/Post Partum/Endometriosis
Elderflower Compound (Previously Respiratory Sinus Drops)
Bladderwrack PLUS Extract
Fever Comfort - Herbal Glycerin Extract
Peach Rescue Cream - Vegan Collagen Boost for Face & Hands
Herbal Eye Compress Kit
Purple Pitcher Skin Spray (Clarifying TONER)
Apothecary Bath ~ Tea Bath/Bath Soak
Lavender Dream Pillow
BUG Butter - A body butter for OUTDOOR comfort
Comfrey Leaf Infused Oil
Calendula Flower Oil - Organic Warsaw Ontario Grown
Pine Forest ~ Natural Deodorant Spray
Vanilla Mint Forest Soap ~ Body & Complexion Bar
Herbal Sitz Bath - Relief for Post Partum, Hemorroid, or Fistula
Magnesium Mist ~ Calming & Restorative Skin Spray
Castor Oil Pack KIT with St. John's Wort Oil
Anti Viral Skin Recovery ~ Herbal Infused Oil
Sweetgrass Braid - 15"- 22" Length
Palo Santo Essential Oil
Horehound Lozenges
Vapo Inhaler - Nasal Decongestant - 100% Plant Based
Palo Santo / Holy Wood Smudge Sticks
Therapeutic Mustard Bath
~PUMPKIN Spiced~ Herbalist Bullet Coffee Blend
Cedar Leaf Hydrosol - Mist - Organic
Frankincense Hydrosol Mist ~ Boswellia carteri sacra
~ Shakti Tonic Tea~ Mind & Body Herbalist Formula
Wild Yam Moisturizing Cream ~ Balancing Formula
~ Peppermint Supreme ~ Lip Balm
Herbalist Bullet Coffee Blend
Bee Pollen Granules~ Canadian
~Heritage Lilac Infused Oil~ Roll on
Corn Silk Tea
White Pine PLUS Tea (anti-spike infusion) –
Herbalist Golden Latte Blend
Herbalist Matcha Latte Blend
Nutri~Tea / Nerve Restorative Adaptogenic Tea
Fever Cool Tea
Sweet Rhubarb Tea ~ Happy Gut Health
Make Tea Not War STICKER
Blue Lotus Flower Tea
Magic Morning Tea ~
Nighty Night EXTRA - Herbal Tea
Burdock Root Tea - 220 grams
Medicine Ball Tea - (Mint Citrus Tea)
Wildcrafted Sweet Violet Flower - 30 grams dried herb
Blue Vervain - Wildcrafted Locally - 45 grams
White Sage ~ Organic Our Farm Grown - 40 grams
Calendula Flowers - Organic - 60 g
Meadowsweet ~ 145 g
Peppermint Leaf - Wildcrafted - 65 g
Yarrow Flower/Leaf - Wildcrafted - Cut and Sifted 100g
Elderblossom ~ Elder Flower - Organic - 95 g
Red Clover Tops - Organic - 75 g
Comfrey Leaf - Organic Our Farm Grown - 55 g