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Lemon Balm  or Melissa officinalis causes the Mind & Heart to BECOME MERRY~ Our Farmed Lemon Balm Leaf Extract - 3X Infused Stillroom Strength Formula - Lemon Balm is noted for the strong role it plays with relieving the varicella-zoster virus & poxvirus family of shingles, chicken pox, molluscum contagiosum, monkeypox - herpes simplex 1 & 2.  Viral Poxvirus infections typically result in the formation of blistering lesions, skin eruptions - skin nodules or disseminated rash of the skin - the skin is an extention of the central nervous system - a viral shingles or varciella infection often involves a burning type nerve pain with often itchy oozing spreading lesions that can lead to scarring.   These viral infections often happen when the immune system is weak and/or has been traumatized.   Poxviruses are brick or oval-shaped viruses with large double-stranded DNA genomes. Poxviruses exist throughout the world and cause disease in humans and many other types of animals.


Lemon Balm really shines. Lemon Balm is excellent as an anti varicella-zoster virus & poxvirus because it not only inhibits the virus, but also promotes & speeds healing in its own right. Clinical trials demonstrate where it worked every bit as well as the first-line medication, acyclovir.  It can be used internally as well as topically for speedy recovery and results. 


Lemon Balm plant extract with benefits that include:

Anti Viral Activity 

Memory Improvement

Cognitive Benefit

Calming Effects

Brain Protective

Central Nervous System Protective

Mood Support 

Anit-depressive Aid

Anti-anxiety Support

 * Antiviral * Immunity Strengthening * Antioxidant RICH * Digestive Support for IBS * 


50 ml dropper bottle lasts 1 Adult approx. 2 weeks when taken daily internally -  

Can be applied externally also - Suitable to use daily - Suitable for children to adult - Suitable during pregnancy & breastfeeding. 


Lemon Balm Tea available TOO - link -


New neuropharmacological investigations showed that Leaf Extracts of Lemon Balm exerted : neuroprotective, antioxidant, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory, and antinociceptive activities. Lemon Balm Leaf breaks down amyloid plaques causing the neuro-electrical disruptions. Moreover, it is known that LB is used for memory-enhancing effects in European folk medicine to this day.


Recently, In a four-month study on more than three dozen seniors with Alzheimer’s disease, investigators tested the effects of taking daily Lemon Balm Extract. 
The Results: folks improved their cognitive abilities on tests of intellectual function while also displaying better mental judgment, longer attention spans, less disorientation, stronger language skills and better reasoning skills.


Traditionally, the most widespread use of Lemon Balm leaf/plant/herbal has been to treat melancholy and to improve mood. It also has a longstanding reputation as a nerve calming agent that eases anxiety.

Melissa officinalis is one of the oldest and still most popular aromatic medicinal plants, is used in phyto-medicine for the prevention and treatment of central nervous system disturbances. It was shown that Lemon Balm Extract contains rosmarinic acid (RA) as the major compound.. The full phenolic profile of extract from Lemon Balm LEAVES being are responsible for pharmacological effects.

Lemon Balm helps the brain stay healthy and relieve the anxiety that is so rampant in today’s world makes it a valuable addition to the daily diet.. 
And more than two thousand years of Herbalists would agree.



The Research utilized Lemon Balm Leaf Extract.


Attachment and penetration of acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus are inhibited by Melissa officinalis / Lemon Balm extract -  link


Varicella-Zoster Virus - Norberto E. Soto, Stephen E. Straus, in Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, 2003

Link -


Molluscum Contagiosum - Poxvirus


Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis Extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a double blind study:


Melissa officinalis Extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease: a double blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial - 

Lemon Balm Extract - Our Farm Grown

  • Way back in the 1500s, a famous physician named Paracelsus was promoting lemon balm herb as the “elixir of life.”

    Going back even further to the time of the ancient Greeks, Lemon Balm Herb was considered essential for dealing with “all complaints supposed to proceed from a disordered nervous system.”

    Traditionally, the most widespread use of Lemon Balm leaf/plant/herbal has been to treat melancholy and to improve mood. It also has a longstanding reputation as a nerve calming agent that eases anxiety. 



    Attachment and penetration of acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus are inhibited by Melissa officinalis / Lemon Balm extract -  link


    Varicella-Zoster Virus - Norberto E. Soto, Stephen E. Straus, in Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, 2003

    Link -

    Molluscum Contagiosum - Poxvirus



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