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Sweet Wormwood Extract

Our farmed organic Sweet Wormwood or Sweet Annie Extract - Artemisia annua - Our Farm Grown - Grown, Harvested & Master Herbalist Compounded here in my Stillroom Shoppe.


Please note The info given below for complimentary consultation as offered prior to purchasing.


Sweet wormwood - is traditionally used for gastrointestinal ailments and disorders linked to numerous risk factors including gut microbial infections - IMPROVING the gut microbiome. Studies show effects of extracts from Artemisia species (Artemisia spp.) showed the extracts resolved gut dysbiosis. They enriched the growth of beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacterium) while suppressing the growth of harmful bacteria. Artemisia absinthium L. - Sweet wormwood - wide usage as a traditional remedy for GI diseases is based on the ability of the herb to reduce the growth of microorganisms whose presence is linked to GI discomfort. This antimicrobial potential is attributed to the broad spectrum of bioactive phenolic compounds present in the herb ethanol extract while increasing friendly gut flora population.``


An IMMUNITY Enhancing Herb as published June 26 2020 by The Max Planck Institute in Germany Studies

"Extracts of the plant A. annua - Sweet wormwood*** are active against various viruses - Chemists at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Potsdam, Germany) in close collaboration with virologists at Freie Universität Berlin have shown in laboratory studies that aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Sweet Wormwood plants (A. annua) are active against coronaviruses" *** also known as COLD viruses.


Sweet Wormwood - Artemisia annua - actions are that of:  anti-viral, anti-fever, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and provides improved immunity and enhanced respiratory anti-viral support reducing various symptoms as related to upper respiratory infection complaints.


Sweet wormwood induces parasite death at all stages of infestation from egg to adult parasite.

"Sweet wormwood / Artemisia absinthium induced worm paralysis, death and ultrastructural alterations, such as tegumental damage, lipid accumulation, and destruction of the nephridial canal and the intrauterine eggs of a parasitic tapeworm infection" SEE PARASITE CLEANSE TIP info further down on this page. 


Sweet wormwood  is used as a digestive aid and has exciting implications for SIBO.
Recent research proves the ability of wormwood to work as a natural antibiotic. Wormwood has strong antimicrobial properties that help fight bacterial overgrowth. Research shows that it can inhibit a wide range of bacterial strains in the gut. 


The remarkable anti-HIV activity of Artemisia annua - Sweet wormwood -  

Conclusion: This study provides the first in vitro evidence of anti-HIV activity of the Artemisia annua extract infusion. Source -


 Anticancer Activity of Artemisinin - Sweet Wormwood and its Derivatives


50 ml Extract / Tincture Format - Suited for Adults Only - for 2-4 weeks at a time only.

For a herbal anti-parasitic for children aged 4+ years see Black Walnut Plus


Note: **** Sweet Wormwood is NOT Suited for Children OR to be consumed during pregnancy/breast feeding OR if using ANY prescribed medications. 


For short term use only - 4 weeks - at a time maximum.


Artemisia annua extracts show very little toxicity - 


"...Extracts of A. annua plants have been successfully employed to treat febrile diseases including malaria. Artemisinin is extracted from this plant and is the basis for the WHO-recommended anti-malaria combination therapies used in millions of adults and children each year with few, if any, side effects...." *** 


Extracts of the Plant A. annua are Active Against SARS-CoV-2

Cooperation between scientists from the Max Planck Institute, University of Kentucky and Freie Universität Berlin. 


Source: *** Gilmore et al. Artemisia annua Plant Extracts are Active Against SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro, (2020). submitted for publication.> - Extracts of the plant A. annua are active against SARS-CoV-2. 

Developing drugs from Nature -  Ivermection was based on chemicals made by Mother Nature - The Sweet wormwood plant supplies a key ingredient, artemisinin in the creation of the drug Ivermectin.  

Artemisinins - Sweet Wormwood : the growing importance in medicine - Artemisinins are derived from extracts of sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) and are well established for the treatment of malaria, including highly drug-resistant strains. Their efficacy also extends to phylogenetically unrelated parasitic infections such as schistosomiasis. More recently, they have also shown potent and broad anticancer properties in cell lines and animal models.

Sweet Wormwood Extract

  • Our Farm Grown Sweet Wormwood Leaf  Herbalist formulated with Organic Silver Needle White Tea for the synergistic effects as shown in the research to have the most beneficial antiviral defence against viruses and for: Artemisia absinthium L. (Asteraceae) aka: Sweet wormwood - is traditionally used for gastrointestinal ailments and disorders linked to numerous risk factors including gut microbial infections - IMPROVING the gut microbiome. Artemisia absinthium L. - Sweet wormwood - wide usage as a traditional remedy for GI diseases is based on the ability of the herb to reduce the growth of microorganisms whose presence is linked to GI discomfort. This antimicrobial potential is attributed to the broad spectrum of bioactive phenolic compounds present in the herb ethanol extract while increasing friendly gut flora population.


    Sweet wormwood  is used as a digestive aid and has exciting implications for SIBO.
    Recent research proves the ability of wormwood to work as a natural antibiotic. Wormwood has strong antimicrobial properties that help fight bacterial overgrowth. Research shows that it can inhibit a wide range of bacterial strains in the gut. 

    source -

    Artemisia annua L. / Sweet wormwood - Extracts inhibit the in vitro replication of SARS-CoV-2 and two of its variants. "Conclusions A. annua extracts inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection, and the active component(s) in the extracts is likely something besides artemisinin or a combination of components that block virus infection at a step downstream of virus entry." source:

    Chemists at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Potsdam, Germany) in close collaboration with virologists at Freie Universität Berlin have shown in laboratory studies that aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Sweet Wormwood plants (A. annua) are active against the new coronavirus. 

    SOURCE: link > Gilmore et al. Artemisia annua Plant Extracts are Active Against SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro, (2020). submitted for publication.

    The remarkable anti-HIV activity of Artemisia annua - Sweet wormwood -  Conclusion: This study provides the first in vitro evidence of anti-HIV activity of the Artemisia annua extract infusion. Source -

    Anticancer Activity of Artemisinin - Sweet Wormwood and its Derivatives

    Artemisia annua L. aka Sweet Wormwood - Extracts inhibit the in vitro replication of SARS-CoV-2 and two of its variants - - Link - ...... Sweet Wormwood Plant Compounds Effective Against Tuberculosis Bacteria ------ Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra extracts exhibit strong bactericidal activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis ----- Link - ...... It does appear that 'rona' is a parasitic infection.

    Therapeutic efficacy of Artemisia absinthium against Hymenolepis nana -

    Covid, Artemisia afra, luteolin.

    Submitted by Pierre Lutgen on June 22, 2020 

    Several authors have documented the efficacy of luteolin against pulmonary diseases. The highest concentration of luteolin is found in Artemisia afra at 1.9 mg/g. In Artemisia absinthium 0.7 mg/g are found. A few studies show only traces of luteolin in Artemisia annua

     A. Dube, Thesis, Artemisia afra, University Western Cape, 2006.

    Mucus overproductionis one of the most important pathological features of chronic inflammatory airway diseases that contribute to morbidity and mortality. It reduces ciliar motility, damages local defensive functions and promotes bacterial colonization. As a natural flavonoid luteolin has multiple biological activities, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. A Chinese study found that the administration of luteolin effectively attenuates mucus overproduction.

     Mei-Li Shen, Chen-Hung, Luteolin attenuates airway mucus overproduction. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6 : 32576

     Kuo My, Liao MF, Luteolin attenuates the pulmonary inflammatory response. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2011, 49(10) : 2660-6

     M. Das, A Ram, Luteolin alleviates Bronchonstriction and Airway Hyperreactivity, Inflamm Res, 2003, 52,(3): 101-6

     Haiyan Yan, LinlinMa, Luteolin decreases the yield of Influenza A virus. J Nat Med. 2019, 73, 487-496

    Strong support comes from a very recent study. The flavone luteolin has been shown to have broad antiviral properties. Luteolin specifically binds to surface spike protein of SARS-Cov-2 and inhibits entry of the virus into host cells. Moreover, luteolin has anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits mast cells which invade the lungs when triggered by viruses.

     T Theoharides, COVID-19, pulmonary mast cells, cytokine storms and beneficial action of luteolin. Biofactors, 2020, Apr 27:10.1002/biof.1633

    This study from Boston relies on a previous study from Beijing. In a two-step screening assay to detect small molecules of herbal origin that interfere with the entry of the SARS virus into the hosts cells, one of the most efficient molecules to bind with the surface spike proteins found was luteolin.

     Ling Yi, Zhengquan Li, Small molecules blocking the entry of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus into host cells. J of Virology, 2004, 11334-11339.






    Note: **** Sweet Wormwood is NOT Suited for Children OR to be consumed during pregnancy/breast feeding OR if using ANY prescribed medications. 

    For short term use only - 4 weeks - at a time. 


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