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Corn Silk Compound  -  A Traditional Herbalist formulation used to strengthen & support the entire urinary tract through the use of traditional plants documented & with a historical formulation of herbals specifically brought together to soothe, tone, provide relief from recurring U.T.I.'s through the plant antibacterial action provided via Plantain, Thuja leaf & Organic Corn silk has been added as well for it's restorative actions on the urinary system.  St. Johns Wort flowers* offer the lessening of central nervous system irritability of which the urinary system being nerve rich receives calming from..  Arnica Montana in a very small percentage is present for it's further anti-inflammatory benefits. This is also a helpful formula for bedweeting concerns with children ages 5 years +


Corn silk supports urinary related problem relief - It is used for support in cases of cystitis, edema, kidney stones, diuretic, prostate disorder, and urinary infections as well as bedwetting concerns - It soothes and relaxes the lining of the bladder and urinary tubules, hence reducing irritation and increasing urine secretion which reduces the incidence of bladder infections - Traditional Dependable & Effective through the ancient wisdom of plant power -  Source:


Cystitis-like symptoms may be caused by a bacterial e-coli infection,or other problems such as blockages, bladder stones, prostate problems, failing kidneys, STDs and viral or fungal infections.


Suited for children age 5+ years (1/4 Tsp in a little water a.m. and after dinner daily)

to Adult -

Clients who are prone to UTI's (uncomplicated Cystitis) are so pleased with Corn Silk Compound actions that they use this formula long term to resolve the issues creating repeated UTI's.


Often, if use of Corn Silk Compound begins at early onset, when symptomatic of a bladder infection beginning, the formula will very often support fighting off the infection.


Corn Silk Compound is NOT suited during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

50 ml  Amber Glass Dropper Bottle


Ingredients: Organic: Corn silk, St. John's wort flower, Plantain leaf, Thuja leaf, Arnica flower, distilled water, gluten free cane sugar alcohol. 



🌽 Corn silk is a traditional urinary tract aid - the whole system... Excellent for bladder irritability or mild incontinence issues ... fantastic for recurring U.T.I.'s or Cystitis - Corn silk soothes & conditions & tones - it also has antibacterial properties that assist. Corn silk also provides diuretic action or removing excess water from the body - assisting the kidneys in output - strengthening & toning. It also counteracts acidity - cleansing + urging a more alkaline status. 
All this + more in Corn Silk - How simply amazing the old school wisdom of plants can be💛


🌱 Thuja Leaf  for Improving Incontinence & Bladder Tone: Link:


Herbalist Formulated Urinary Care Tea : is also available - A herbal wellness tea designed with plant nutrition to support a healthy urinary system.  


Excerpt from Felter & Lloyd's Kings Dispensatory from 1898:


Corn Silk Applications / Therapeutic Benefits - 

"Corn-silk has been found useful in many urinary troubles, associated with renal and cardiac disorders. It has been found of value by physicians in the treatment of cystic irritation, due to phosphatic and uric acid concretions, and in both acute and chronic inflammations of the bladder, whether traumatic or idiopathic.

Dropsy, when due to cardiac or renal origin, and particularly after such urinary disorders as those above mentioned, and pyelitis, catarrh of the bladder, and urinal retention appear to be benefited by the diuretic action of this drug, which action is said to be quite positive. Besides its diuretic effects, the drug seems to be a cardiac stimulant as well. In fact, its diuretic action is largely due to its tonic action upon the heart and blood vessels. It is especially of value in the bladder disorders of children."



* This Compound is not suited for those using prescribed anti-depressive medication due to the contraindication of pharma medication & additional use of St. John's Wort being simply too much together. St. John's Wort is a safe traditionally trusted plant mood aid - but the two together are counter productive.


This information is not intended to disuade anyone from following their M.D.'s prescribed advice.  Always seek medical attention if deemed necessary. If the infection has reached the kidneys (you may feel lower back pain, sick or have a fever), see your Doctor immediately.


Corn Silk Compound (Formerly Urinary Compound)

  • Cornsilk Compound 

    A compound blend of botanicals tradionally used as a kidney & urinary strengthening plant tonic.  

    A Vitamin C rich plant elixir that soothes & eases discomfort + supports reduced recurrance of U.T.I.'s.

    ~ A soothing traditional pelvic/urinary system tonic formula. Botanicals combined that: Tone, strengthen, support prevention of U.T.I.'s , anti-inflammatory, calms irritated tissues, supports restoration of elasticity. A Beautiful combination of Corn Silk, Plantain leaf & tonic herbals that supply targeted bodily nutrition to promote the body's self healing capabilities. 

    Science on Corn-silk

    ~ Water based infusions of Corn-silk have been shown to have immune stimulating properties in animal studies with a stimulation of interferon production (a key substance in the body's response to infections) and an observation of increased 'migration of macrophages' (meaning that there was increased activity and movement of the specialised white blood cells that engulf foreign particles)

    ~ Pharmacological studies (in vitro and in vivo) have shown Corn Silk's remarkable bioactivities as antioxidant, hyperglycaemia reduction, anti-depressant, anti-fatigue and effective diuretic agent. Some of the studies have confirmed the earlier findings and new research discoveries have proven that CS is safe and non-toxic (Khairunnisa Hasanudin, Puziah Hashim and Shuhaimi Mustafa Molecules 2012, 17, 9697-9715; doi:10.3390/molecules17089697)
    Note: The above quote comes from a detailed research paper on Corn Silk that may be of interest to anyone wanting to really dig deep into the science on this herb; the PDF of the paper is linked here.

    ~ Laboratory studies have shown that Corn-silk is able to inhibit certain bacteria from sticking to the lining of cells and that it also reduces certain cancer forming compounds - tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced (Habtemariam S: Plant Med 64(4):314-318, 1998)

    ~ Corn-silk diuretic action has been proven with studies with human volunteers which have showed that Corn-silk infusions increases the flow of urine beyond the equivalent amount of water by comparison (Rebuelta m et al: Plantes Med Phytother 21:2672-275, 1987)

    Corn Silk References:


    Suited for children age 5+ years (1/4 Tsp in a little water a.m. and after dinner daily) to Adult -

    Corn Silk Compound is NOT suited during pregnancy or breastfeeding.



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